通过 30 个令人惊叹的混合按键,使用双转盘剪辑、取样并交叉推动乐感,只需几个按键混合滑动便可带您进入 DJ 的超级明星境地。体验 IGF 备受赞誉且融合了众多艺术家创作的最新潮的原声舞蹈音乐 - 从俱乐部的流行歌曲到地铁中播放的经典老歌,萦绕于耳,等您畅享!
最潮音乐:聆听源自全球著名艺术家的 35 个热舞音乐,Tyler the Creator, Fedde Le Grand, Diplo, Kid Cudi, The Neptunes, Bassnecta 等等,保证您从未听过,身心愉悦。
激情游戏: 您在游戏时,轻敲屏幕,可看到样本、 敲击交叉渐变器并划一下虚拟的薄膜可重新合成您的歌曲。
创建您的代表作: 当您在不同设定级别上进行游戏并成拥有您的粉丝团队时,您可以开启新的级别、角色并取得成绩。
共享游戏: 可与全世界的朋友和对手一起竞赛,并在 Game Center 平台上取得战绩。
扩展的音乐库: 发行后将一直受到新音频包的支持。
你手中的夜总会:转换成最酷的俱乐部您的客厅,使用 Apple Airplay™
"This may well be the best rhythm game out there for the iPad. It’s definitely the best DJ-based one. Make sure you grab this one as soon as you can" - 148Apps
"'Skillz for iPad: hands down, this is the best DJ-based game for iPad available on the iTunes App Store and arguably the best music rhythm game too. If you are not a DJ it doesn’t matter but to do well at this game, you need a bit of musical ear. Stunning intece with amazing graphics. Don’t miss this one. " - LoveforTech.com
5/5 rating: "This App’s Musical Gold" "Skillz for iPad is every bit worth its $5.99 price of entry." - The iPhone App Review
5/5 rating: "...this is well worth the cost and good for hours of endless enjoyment." - Appdictions
4/5 rating: "Stunning" - 148 Apps
9/10 rating “Skillz for iPad is an impressive music rhythm game featuring some amazing remix music from real musicians” - Softonic
4 star rating “Skillz: The DJ Game is a great music game.” - Gamezebo
4/5 rating: "...such a brilliantly made iPad app", "With stunning, eye catching visual on an iPad, Skillz for iPad is such an awesome concept to play with. Definitely worth a try!" - Whats my App
A- rating “We were particularly impressed by the graphics in Skillz: they’re truly impressive and comparable to those found on a console… highly recommendable…” -iLounge
"...well recommended to fans of rhythm games, especially those who love hip hop. This is the game for anyone who has ever wondered what it’s like to be a DJ." - Appmodo
"You’ll never want to put this down!" - iPhone Life
"...featured production values do prove a cut above most mobile games... offering an experience more akin to that found on handheld console systems than typical mobile outings." - Rolling Stone
"Skillz is an enjoyable and challenging game for anyone who enjoys this genre of music." -TUAW
"an excellent rhythm game that deserves a look" - The Examiner - Classic Games Examiner
"It looks awesome and the game play actually makes you feel like you’re at a turn table. " - AppShrink